martes, 3 de enero de 2017

A Day to Remember

First of all, I want to warn you about the danger of this post, because my English is very bad so, if you read this text you can get sick by  Poliomyelitis.

I was asleep. Deeply. I woke up in the middle of it, I didn't knew what was happening. Then my brain clicked, everything was moving. I flew out of my bed and went to the stairs, they were moving too and I don't know how, but I ran to the main door. I stayed there for the rest of it.

The earthquake lasted a minute, but after five I was still shaking. Outside was my best friend, her mom, and her dog. She looked at me laughing, she wasn't scared at all.

-That was horrible! - I said.
-You can hug my mom if you want to. - She laughed again.

I stayed there for a few minutes before I realized i was just wearing my underwear. In front of her, and worst, in front of her mom. When I realized I went inside and put my pants on. I really don't know how, but in a few seconds I was outside again.

It was christmas day, we were all in shock because that doesn't happen in Chiloé often. But after (a lot) of cleaning, a few milcaos and a shower, our day was just as good as any other. We made a barbeque at night, the whole family. Her dad was making jokes just as usual. We were watching the news, peacefully. Wondering where all that tragedy was. We were happy.

It was a remarkable day, not because of the earthquake, but because that day I learned about the strength of the people in the Island.

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Ricardo Astorga: an expert on my field

First of all, I want to warn you about the danger of this post, because my English is very bad so, if you read this text you can get sick by humor Artic

It’s very difficult for me to select an expert on my field, because the journalism has very bad elements and persons that are admirable. Journalism doesn’t have big exponents.

But, Ricardo Astorga is the exception. Astorga is amazing, He is a journalist, an anthropologist and a photographer. He was born in Valparaiso in 1954 and in 1974 He was exiled to Ecuador. Astorga came back in 1978 and joined to AFI (Asociación de Fotógrafos Independientes).

The work of Ricardo Astorga is very entertaining, because it’s a mixture of the conversation with interesting persons and the photography for example: “Gente de la Tierra”, “La Ruta del Nilo”, “La Ruta de Chile” and “La Odisea”. The traveling is indispensable in Astorga´s program.

The reason why I like this person is because he is reasoning, I haven´t thought about mixing the photography and the explore the world add film. I plan to steal this idea jajaja.

Another reason is for the “Cascada de las Animas”. This is an ecotourism center located in the “Cajon del Maipo” in country of San José de Maipo, Santiago. I dreamed to have a center similar to that.

Resultado de imagen para ricardo astorga

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Hello friends, Whats up!? 

First of all, I want to warn you about the danger of this post, because my English is very bad so, if you read this text you can get sick by Creutzfeldt-Jakob.

Resultado de imagen para alvaro lopezWell, I´m very indecisive in the moment than I talk of music, because I´m not have a style favorite. But I have an idea than who is my favorite singer.  

Wait a moment, my favorite Singer in the world is Álvaro López, undoubtedly. He has thirty seven years old, and ex member of the band of alternative rock: “Los Bunkers”. He plays guitar, bass guitar, and drums. Alvaro actually have a band named “López”. This band is conformity whit Alvaro son´s, Gonzalo López.

The type of music he plays is alternative rock or rock pop. The songs are very well and catchys. I like this singer because he is a fantastic Singer and person, besides he makes good songs. I have the opportunity of know personally and really is friendly and modest.

Resultado de imagen para alvaro lopezI think that the best songs of Alvaro are “Si estás pensando mal de mi” and “Ven aquí”.  Both songs are my favorites because haves a good rhythm and a direct letter.

I recommend listen to Alvaro López!!!


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

My favorite photograph

Hello friends, I’m back!

I didn’t write in the blog the last class because I was recording a documentary.

First of all, I want to warn you about the danger of this post, because my English is very bad so, if you read this text you can get sick by tetanus.

It’s very hard to me to choose just one photograph, because of my fondness for the cameras and photograph.

Well, this photograph was taken by me. It’s very great, it shows my dog, “Naranjo”, watching the ranch and the hunter in the background in the picture. My dog don´t likes the intruders, because of this he wanted to attack him.

This photograph was taken in the winter, at the river. That winter, the river was destroying all the field, That was amazing and sad.

I like this picture because Naranjo can’t raise his left ear, but you can see that he is trying to be awaiting.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Dear camera

Hello friends!
First of all, I want to warn of the danger of this post, because my English is very bad, at the time to read this text you can get sick with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

My favourite piece of technology is my camera. I never thought about having a camera, but I need one for the class of the university. I have had the camera for two years, but I keep the camera like new. The camera is a work tool for me, because I take many pictures in my career of journalism.This tool is very important for me, because my father bought it hoping that I take great pictures. Using my camera is very easy, but you need patience to get a good job.

I like my camera because it is very interesting to take pictures of different persons, animal or things. 

With my camera I can learn more about photography and audiovisual things. 

My life wouldn't be the same without my camera, because I distract myself with the camera, it means much for me.  


martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Why did I choose journalism? I have no idea

Hello friends!

First of all, I want to warn of the danger of this post, because my English is very bad, at the time to read this text you can get sick with Malaria.

When I was a kid I always dreamed of driving big trucks and heavy machines. I was impressed by that the machines were so large and noisy. But I never had the chance to drive the big trucks. I even had a colletion of toy trucks and my dad gave me more to collect.

Really I liked to drive this heavy machines, but some dreams can´t be accomplished. In brief, I was not a truck driver, because now I study journalism. But Journalism was not the only career that was my choice. I liked aventure tourism too. But an injury in my left leg stopped the option of aventure tourism.

Now, my experience in the university is not extraordinary, but also it is bad. Because I don´t like this career... but I learn many things about photograpy and audiovisual realization, it´s very funny!
For this, I would like to have this two topics present in my future job, since I have many skills with this element. In other words, I would like to be a photographer or cameraman.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Martin Cabello biography

Hello friends! My name is Martin Cabello Moscoso, I´m journalism student at the Universidad de Chile. Good, I´m talking about my biography and other important things.

I was born on the 14th of june of 1994, in Pichidegua. This is a small town in the Valley of Cachapoal.

I did the primary and high school in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua. Every Time in the high school I failed English, It´s very difficult for me! Currently, I´m doing the third year of journalism at Universidad de Chile.

My  family is formed by my parents Aldo Cabello and Pamela Moscoso, and also Vicente, my brother and my sister Rosario. We live in a very beautiful place, surrounded by trees and rivers.

One of my favorite hobbies is walking and running in the river (ladera, a orillas) with my dogs, because it eliminates stress. I have two dogs and they love to swim in the river.

I travel home every weekend, because need the nature.